donderdag 19 januari 2012

First Blog, first message, first announcement

Common info.
PartTracker established in 2009 in The Netherlands with a distinctive concept regarding service appliances for parts in the Industry.
To apply product use efficiency and sustainability.
We should globally reconsider the use of our resources. PartTracker is engaging this with a different mindset. Supply Chain Management is out, Complex Supply Network Management is in.
Our goals.
Our main goal is to apply Complex Supply Network Management in the world throughout the whole of Industry; with our customers, business partners, suppliers, etc.
The means.
Mediation in surplus parts. Mediation in available technical knowledge. Distributor of factory new parts. Parts Repair service. Mediation in obsolete parts. Mediation in new projects.
The tools.
Building an international network. Offer an Product Life Cycle Support. Collect data of surplus stock. Offer a repair scope. Offer parts that are valuable. (new surplus, used, new factory)

And all this for a first Blog.

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